Category Archives: Humans

How humans shape and mold the planet.

The American Dream: A Fix For America

Walking the line between sensuality and reality leaves me a little dizzy. ‘Give me Freedom or give me Death’ is obsolete. There are varying shades of freedom and death in Blueray and Digital surrounding me. A colorful vortex sucks at my bones; luring me with promises that I know will leave me docile and apathetic. Jump in, be happy!

Jump in, be happy! The American Dream is your ‘fix’!  And, everything comes with a promise. How do you know who will keep their promise? Who can you trust? Trust is much more than a word. How do you chose without knowing? How do you find the truth? It takes a ‘pioneering spirit’ and time; you can’t buy time, control it, or ever seem to have enough. If you are not making time to filter through the muck; that colorful vortex is sucking at your bones, luring you with promises which are leaving you apathetic and docile! And the truth no longer matters!

Where to begin? Let’s step back in time and examine what shaped our society. Sigmund Fraud wrote about  ‘human psychosis’.  What does Fraud have to do with the ‘American Dream’? A little history. Fraud discovered humans had feelings we repressed because they were too dangerous: remnants of our animal past. As he witnessed the horror of war mounting; he believed war to be terrible evidence of exactly how we should have expected people to behave given the knowledge of our psychoanalysis.

I surmise that our ‘animal past’ gave us a limited ability to communicate; and as a result, we were more inclined to battle for what we wanted. However, our evolution into intelligent beings, with increased communication skills, should have curtailed our nature to battle for what we want. This being said; is it our ‘animal past’ that keeps us in the battle or is it purely economics?

It only took me a couple of minutes to ‘filter through the muck’ to get to this information.

“I spent thirty-three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country’s most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high-class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.” 

―  Smedley D. Butler

How did people of our nation come to accept everything that the medias’ feed us? Without question, we believe the glossy advertisements as truth and we buy what is being sold.  We have to go back in time a little to look at how we were duped and continue to be duped.

We have let others tell us what the ‘American Dream’ should be! Fraud’s American nephew, Edward Bernays was the first man to show American corporations how to make people want what they do not need; manipulating the masses; linking mass-produced goods to our unconscious desires. Out of this came a new political idea of how to control the masses: by satisfying people’s inner selfish desires, one made them happy and thus docile. The start of the all-consuming ‘Self’ which is come to dominate the world today!

Armed with this knowledge, American Corporations learned how to package and present anything they could make a ‘buck’ on to the American people…war was dressed in patriotic speeches and love of country becoming the ultimate commodity for those who would benefit.

Education is a ‘pillar post’ to humanities foundation: And, if you take the time to educate and do research you will see how we came to our nation’s crisis; you will find yourself motivated to get out of the ‘muck’ and this crisis. You may also find yourself wanting to ‘shoot the messengers’ who present the facts of how we got here. Go beyond that notion. Go deeper. Their solutions may not be what you can take hold of, but their solutions will give you ideas to build on. You will discover solutions you can hold on to.  Solutions to our bleak reality do not exist in continuing the model we’ve created…it is NOT working for the majority of us! We need a new kind of ‘Paradigm’. I believe, whenever given the opportunity and mechanism to do so, people are good, kind and supportive. There are new ‘paradigms’ to build on. New ‘opportunities and mechanisms’ to be apart of…we simply must not give up our pioneering spirit.

I’ve worked hard for some piece of the American Dream for almost 70 years. I’ve come up with a tiny bit…and I could probably stop with what I have. However, my ‘pioneering spirit’ and my nature to be ‘good, kind and supportive’ will not let me be content. I have a vision that humans can be all that is good in the world. Through my ‘looking glass’ I’ve found some ‘new paradigms’.  If you are visionary enough and can learn to trust a little more you will seek out these ‘new paradigms’ and change our History! Here is one such paradigm! There many out there with real answers and solutions. One, in particular, has caught my attention…Kate Raworth. Her Doughnut Economy: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st Century Economist can be pushed into the light!

Happy Visionary Trails!

Genesis: Trail Building the Planet

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” John 8:32 (NIV)

Firstly,  I’ve made many mistakes in my 69 years; bad judgement, cheated, lied, stolen and disrespected life.  Each of us, I believe can lay claim to some part of this statement.  Does it matter what our discretion? My discovery:  I’m an ordinary human being who has discovered a trail to becoming extraordinary. Join me.

John was right, “the truth does set you free’. However, remember, you have to ‘know the truth’ to be ‘set free’. What will the ‘truth’ set you free from?

Many find the ‘truth’  sets them free from something they don’t want to be set free from. You could say the ‘truth’ came back to haunt them. There are many kinds of ‘truths’. The ‘truth’ that sets you to building a new trail. Or a ‘ truth’ might set you to maintaining a trail that has been neglected. A ‘truth’ that sets you to covering a trail that should not be traveled.

Our lightning fast medias’ bring us all kinds of  ‘truths’. We have to chose which truth to believe. We have to ‘know the truth’ before it can ‘set us free’…and that could be a difficult truth to build into our trails…or stop our trails altogether!

Relax, this is just between you and me. Let me put you at ease…yes, we’re ordinary, but we have the ability to become extraordinary in whatever way we wish. We can live our dreams…or maybe some part of them.  Isn’t that a relief?

Okay, now that you’re relaxed, take a few deep breaths:  Imagine. You have just been elected President. You are the new leader of a nation! You have just moved into your new home and  stepped into your new office. Extraordinary! You are going to change the world!  All the work and money to get here paid off…pinch yourself. It’s real, you’re here.

Many helped get you here. You have debts to repay. Things are expected. You have a ‘things to do’ list that would choke a heard of horses! There are all kinds’ of battles to be fought; 7 billion people are scrambling to live on this planet; communication is lightning fast! Global thinking is a prerequisite.  There is a multitude pushing you forward…it’s a race to change the face of our planet! What was that dream you had? Is it still here? Or,did it get lost along the way?

Now’s your chance to shape the world. Are you up to the challenge? Just answer one question. You’ve already surrounded yourself with those you trust and believe can help you most. Now let the rest of the world know your intention. What’s your plan?

Think about this and get back to me. Just go to the ‘Share the knowledge’ below and click on ”Comment’.  If you need some ‘plan help’ you can also go to the top and click on the video. Jill Stein has some good thoughts. Are go to Mitt Romney or President Obama’s web site. The main thing is to take the time to discover! Have at it!

Happy Trail Building!



The Universe Within: A Foundation for Education

“Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.” – Henry Kissinger,  1970

This is not a new strategy.

 “In 1870, some U.S. government officials  promoted the destruction of the bison herds as a way to defeat their Native American enemies, who were resisting the takeover of their lands by white settlers. Soon, military commanders were ordering their troops to kill buffalo — not for food, but to deny Native Americans their own source of food. One general believed that buffalo hunters did more to defeat the Indian nations in a few years than soldiers did in 50. By 1880, the slaughter was almost over. Where millions of buffalo once roamed, only a few thousand animals remained. 

– Nature, American Buffalo: Spirit of a Nation

By now you may be asking, ‘what the heck does killing off the buffalo’ have to do with the universe within and a foundation for education’. I understand. It’s a huge leap. Although, the two are most relevant and have much in common.

We have put our trust in those individuals we have elected to govern our nation to safeguard our food. What kind of job is being done?

A recent article, February 2015, New Yorker article, A Bug in the System, gives gory details of how the trust we place is undeserving.

Each year, contaminated food sickens forty-eight million Americans, of whom a hundred and twenty-eight thousand are hospitalized, and three thousand die. – Wil S.

Perhaps we need to pay more attention to who we are electing? Be more engaged in governing ourselves? Oh, that means the 63% of us have to get off our tired butts and pay attention to why they are so tired…and do something about it. We have endorsed persons in power who are obsessed with producing  ‘cheap food’ for the masses.  Their excuse, doing so is necessary to feed an ever growing population. A population growth out of control. A population growth out of touch and with no consideration of the resources necessary to accommodate such growth. We are a nation obsessed with quantity over quality!

We are growing food in an abundance as fast as we can, using whatever science to fertilize this obsession in order to feed ourselves…and be damned the consequences!  Cheap food and cheap labor is the dream of the 1% controlling our world.  Encouraging population growth is essential to having a constant source of expendable and renewable energy…a type of slavery that President Polk’s administration could not have imagined when they sought to win the American West!

It is not too late. We can cease this ‘age of imitation’. Do as the ancient sages believed: Know Thyself. Know our bodies work best when we take guessing and placing trust in others out of the equation. I’m not a Christian…however, I do agree on many of their beliefs: our bodies are our temples and in order for us to reach our true optimal potential, should be treated as such.  The Blue Ray and High Definition  glossy and colorful ads enticing us into oblivion is an addiction; it is time to say ‘no’ more.

Placing biology at the forefront of education is a huge service to humanity, the planet and all its inhabitants!  Placin’g Biology as the foundation on which all else is built and integrated into increases our understanding of our place in the web of life. Start counting the bones in your feet as soon as you begin to speak! The well being of the Universe within and ewithout  is counting on it.

What is Biology? Merriam-Webster defines Biology as:

1 : a branch of knowledge that deals with living organisms and vital processes
: the plant and animal life of a region or environment
While in my eighth grade Biology class, I didn’t pay much attention to my teacher  Mr. Gentry. He was a very large man with one eye. He was scary and I don’t remember biology being taught before then. Talking about our bodies at home or at school was a ‘taboo’!
The knowledge I’ve acquired over the years about my body, makes this notion absurd. Curiosity moved me into uncharted territory…I questioned much of the curriculum being forced into my head and pursued knowledge outside the borders of traditional education. Nothing was ever mentioned about how we are connected to everything on our planet…and  I wanted to connect the dots.  I did not understand how my body worked, nor what was required for it to be the ‘super being‘ I believed it is capable of being.


I believe our first responsibility, no matter what your faith, is to treat your body as your temple; Earth as our place of worship and all the inhabitants as our congregation. Those before us knew controling our food is the best way to control people. The ways in which our food is being controlled today is much less direct than for instance, ‘our war to win the American west. There are no Buffalo to target this time. Now the control is much more illusive. More scientific. The human population is approaching seven billion…and everyone has to be fed!  The World Bank puts the food and agriculture sector at 10% of global gross domestic product, which, taking the bank’s 2006 estimate of about $48 trillion, would make the sector worth about $4.8 trillion.

Who is responsible for undertaking the monitoring of  nuances going into our food?

“For most opponents, the war to win the west was a transparent attempt to extend slavery into new territories that would become new slave states, thus ensuring that the South would control Congress and the presidency into the foreseeable future.”

– Miller Center, University of Tennessee, An american President: A Reference Resource

Humankind’s health and well being is reflected in the condition of the planet’s congrigation. Look closely at the heart and soul of what life is about, not just what it looks and smells like; new doors to how we connect are opening and ‘What happens to the least of us, does happen to all of us’. The changes needed today will go beyond much of what we have loved and coveted. We have a couple of choices when it comes to changes;  we can choose to leave a bright and shiny world full of everything healthy and beautiful;  or, continue chomping away at the heals of our world, leaving a sick and fearful world.

 The happiness you seek comes from:
“A human being is part of the whole, called by us “Universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole [of] nature in its beauty.
Albert Einstein 1950
This acceptance and understanding will dissolve any discord, fear and discontent you may have.  You have the power and responsibility to all that is apart of this web of life. You are obligated to insure the highest quality of life for all.

Happy trails within!



Penny Politics: Side Stepping the Government

“The livestock industry is the last wildlife-genocide program in the United States,” says Bruce Apple, the director of an Oregon-based environmental organization appropriately called Rest the West. “All-out war is declared on a diversity of species every day to benefit a single industry.” 

Wild horses of Nevada’s Calico Mountains

This ‘single industry’, the Beef Industry, is one example of how our dollars have an impact to not just the wild horses, but our health and the environment. Think differently about your purchases. Every penny you and I spend makes a political statement.  Take time to look ‘behind the name’. Understand what your purchase means to others.

Is this a difficult concept to wrap your mind around? Yes. However, once you take time to understand everything that happens behind the products we purchase and realize the power of every dollar you spend, then you can begin to govern like no government ever will!

Behind the Burger:

Our sensational appetite for Whoppers, Big Macs and Wendy’s burgers is chomping at the hills of our nation’s wild horses; people eat approximately 200 billion burgers a year! The United States has a population of a little over 307 million; “Modern plants can process 800,000 pounds of hamburger meat a day, from many thousands of different cattle”. Last year the U.S. Population Ate 26.4 Billion Pounds of Beef Cattle! And according to ‘Freakonomics, The Hidden Side of Everything’, “Our Future Looks Fat; Study Predicts Nearly Half the U.S. Population Will be Obese by 2030”.

About 45 million beef cattle roam some 870 million acres, more than two thirds of the land mass in our seventeen westernmost states. There are about 33,700 wild horses and 4,700 burros roaming on BLM ranges in 10 Western states.  The Bureau of Land Management says, if these horses were left on their own, the population would explode. Let’s see, 45 million beef cattle and 33,700 wild horses…and why is the BLM focusing on the wild horse population? Chomp! Chomp! Oh, by the way, there is a huge difference in the way cattle and horses graze.  I’m not saying to stop eating beef…just slow down! Try eating only ‘organic’ and eat less.

The changes needed today will go beyond much of what we have loved and coveted. We have a couple of choices when it comes to the changes we need. We can choose to leave a bright and shiny world; full of everything healthy and beautiful; or, continue chomping away at the heals of our world, leaving a sick and fearful world. This is difficult journey; making time to study before you make a purchase. The upside: You can participate in governing this planet with every penny you spend.

Look closely at the CHANGE that is ahead for all of us; the heart and soul of what life is about, not just what it looks and smells like; new doors to how we connect are opening. Welcome. ‘What happens to the least of us, happens to all of us’.  Me, I’m just a ‘whimsical kid’ that keeps dreaming. Penny Politics works! Try it on and see how it feels!

Happy Wild Horse Trails!

Chief Seattle: Beyond a Name

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it.Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.
Chief Seattle

Chief Seattle Pictures, Images and Photos

As I sit in the sun, delighting in the flutter of  wings and reveling at the sight of birds as they feast; cautious, fearful, yet determined to feed, no matter how close I come. As long as I remain still they succumb to bravery and peck away at the bird feeder.  There are hundreds waiting their turn at the feeder. Fluttering and chirping surrounds me. If I move too quickly, they flicker away. What is this invisible line of connection? Drawing them near, then frighten them away with my movement. I’m a giant in their world. Their language and pecking order a mystery. Yet, they too are an intricate thread within the web of life.

“Is there something wrong? I’m somewhat concerned. One of the village men came and said there were stirrings of trouble in the forest. What kind of trouble? The village man said, “creatures are being killed and dying in the forest. Insects, animals and birds are struggling for life.”

– Clive Cussler, Blue Gold, a novel from the NUMA files.

Fiction? We all recognize the ‘trouble’: It’s all around us; fear is nipping at everyones’ heals.The novel brings a glimpse of one mans movement that caused the death of a pod of whales and more. He places an enormous blister on humanities face and bringing imbalance to life and the planet.

How do we begin changing lifestyles and habits?  Until each of us acknowledges what Chief Seattle so eloquently said; ‘all things connect’, the imbalance we’ve created is killing us.  Is it our lack of education? Is it greed that provokes humanity to take such stupid steps? Our rampant and irresponsible development and consumption reveals our societal immaturity on an enormous scale!

Think ‘non-consumption’. Opps, that won’t work…the basis of our economy would go bust! Oh, our economy is already a bust. For me, a good start would be to shift from ‘want’ to ‘need’ as a basic foundation for curing much of what is wrong in our world. We need to tilt the scales back to when we were a ‘need based’ society. We are a society  Starving for purpose, but we need to give up ‘gluttony’! Standing in line at the grocery, I heard a woman say, “I want an SUV! I’m having a mid-life crisis!”. We chase after ‘things’ to fulfill ourselves; never giving a thought about how these kinds of actions affect the world around us. Even when we are aware, we seldom go beyond the name of a thing; at the depth beneath a name and how it connects to everything.

Just as you, I yearn to have a voice, to be heard.  To be understood and respected. I too have a dream:

Stewardship is practiced by everyone. Each of us is a good and loving person. Each of us can take the time to ‘go beyond a name’ and become familiar with the ‘essence of life’ and how we are all connected.  We understand Biology; living organisms and vital processes. We see a beautiful living thing and know how it is connected to ourselves and its environment. We no longer lose all that we hold dear. There is a natural balance and every community thrives.

Happy non-gluttonous trails!

We Didn’t Have the Green Thing Back Then

Rocky Mountain Trail

The following story was sent to me in an email. I am so pleased to present it here. I asked about who the author was and could not get an answer. So, if anyone knows who wrote this, I hope you will let them know that I have published their words; which are addressed to any and all those who believe the ‘boomer generation’  didn’t do enough to help the environment.

In the line at the store, the cashier told an older woman that she should bring her own grocery bags because plastic bags weren’t good for the environment. The woman apologized to him and explained, “We didn’t have the green thing back in my day.” The clerk responded, “That’s our problem today. Your generation did not care enough to save our environment.”

She was right — our generation didn’t have the green thing in its day.

Back then, we returned milk bottles, soda bottles and beer bottles to the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be washed and sterilized and refilled, so it could use the same bottles over and over. So they really were recycled.

But we didn’t have the green thing back in our day.

We walked up stairs, because we didn’t have an escalator in every store and office building. We walked to the grocery store and didn’t climb into a 300-horsepower machine every time we had to go two blocks.

But she was right. We didn’t have the green thing in our day.

Back then, we washed the baby’s diapers because we didn’t have the throw-away kind. We dried clothes on a line, not in an energy gobbling machine burning up 220 volts — wind and solar power really did dry the clothes. Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not always brand-new clothing. But that old lady is right; we didn’t have the green thing back in our day.

Back then, we had one TV, or radio, in the house — not a TV in every room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a handkerchief (remember them?), not a screen the size of the state of Montana.

In the kitchen, we blended and stirred by hand because we didn’t have electric machines to do everything for us.

When we packaged a fragile item to send in the mail, we used a wadded up old newspaper to cushion it, not a Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap.

Back then, we didn’t fire up an engine and burn gasoline just to cut the lawn. We used a push mower that ran on human power. We exercised by working so we didn’t need to go to a health club to run on treadmills that operate on electricity.

But she’s right; we didn’t have the green thing back then.

We drank from a fountain when we were thirsty instead of using a cup or a plastic bottle every time we had a drink of water.

We refilled writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen, and we replaced the razor blades in a razor instead of throwing away the whole razor just because the blade got dull.

But we didn’t have the green thing back then.

Back then, people took the streetcar or a bus and kids rode their bikes to school or walked instead of turning their moms into a 24-hour taxi service.

We had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And we didn’t need computerized gadget to receive a signal from satellites 2,000 miles out in space in order to find the nearest pizza joint.

But isn’t it sad the current generation laments how wasteful we old folks were just because we didn’t have the green thing back then?

Conservation isn’t just a ‘state of mind’…it’s taking a close look at where we want to go and how we want to get there.

Tightening our belts with regard to the economy also means changing many of the way we do things. If each of the 310,950,000 people in the United Stated changed one little thing with regard to conservation…what a huge difference we could make.

Happy Conservation Trails!

Gift Economy: Spending From the Heart

Welcome. I’ll try and make this short, sweet and maybe a little entertaining.   And, of course, it’s somewhat free.

We’re all looking for ways to lighten our load; cut expenses and still get things done and maybe find some enjoyment.  We are in the time of the ‘shrinking dollar’. Jobs are almost non-existent and we have to ‘tighten our belts’, in far too many instances,  without starving. Who’s to blame? I’ll point my finger at you and me.  Who else can be held responsible. We each participated in someway to bring us to this juncture…again. You would think we would have learned a few lessons…just shows you how much attention some of us are paying.  Much of what we are doing is simply not working.  Now, we’ve got to dig ourselves out…yet, again.

How can we make things easier on ourselves and maybe change directions? This may sound simplistic, however, increasing our Bartering efforts is just a tiny tip on the iceberg of getting through these ‘hard times’. Some seem embarrassed when offering to barter. There is  nothing to be ashamed of; societies often turn to ‘bartering’ when in a time of  ‘money crisis’. And, we certainly can’t argue about the ‘money crisis’ we’re in.

In case you are unfamiliar with the bartering system; it is a method of exchange by which goods or services are exchanged for goods and services without using a medium of exchange like ‘money’. It’s usually ‘bilateral‘ and has always existed along side monetary systems. Most cultures of the world have based their ‘exchange system’ on ‘flat money’. And look at what most culture are experiencing!

Bartering has a long history. I’ve been bartering in one way or another all my life. Interestingly, when I looked ‘bartering’ up I found out that ‘there is no evidence of a society or economy that relied primarily on barter’. Non-monetary societies operated largely along the principles of gift economics. That sounds like the movie ‘Pay It Forward’ or going deep into ‘living from the heart’ …here’s hoping you’re a ‘Taoist’ or a serious ‘Christian’.

Just to recap. The dollar bill is all but disappeared, it’s time to look at other strategies and integrate more of our heart into the economy; which may include a combination of  ‘monetary systems’; flat money, barter, gift economy and looking at new ways of supporting each other.  Let’s  increase our efforts to do these things.  Let’s think ‘outside the box’ a little more. We all know jobs are limited. The feed back about our circumstances seems bleak! But we humans are incredible, we always seem to get up after a fall.

Here are some things we can do to make life easier.

  1. Go over your expenses and cut back everywhere you can. I just cut my expenses $130 a month. That’s almost $1600 a year.
  2. Barter whenever possible.
  3. Practice ‘gift economics’.
  4. Look closely at companies that offer ‘enlightened capitalism‘.
  5. Get back to a more ‘need based’ economy.
  6. Call everyone you are doing business with and see what specials they might offer.
  7. Do more outdoor activities; hiking, camping, picnicing, etc.
  8. Support your Parks.
  9. Scrutinize every dollar you spend.
  10. Be prepared for great things to happen.

I’m making a commitment to do all 10 of these things…let’s see what happens.

Happy trails!

A Morning’s Tale

Coexisting with animals, humans and the planet is such an intricate journey. It takes courage just to walk out the door. Often times I don’t.

A’ responsible father’, unbeknown to me at the time of our initial encounter, rents my neighbor’s garage driveway space. How ‘the responsible father’ got there; I answered a Craigslist ad the ‘responsible father’ had placed looking for a space for his RV; I gave my neighbor ‘the responsible’ father’s information.

We will call the responsible father ‘Troy’. Troy works hard at labor intensive jobs and travels a great deal following work. Troy has a pick up, young and strong. He has a glow of health about him; tan and handsome. Me, I’m an ‘old woman’ trying to grasp every straw of ‘health’ and ‘goodness’ I can; often leaving me breathless and sore.

Troy was kind enough to take me to pick up a couch that I purchased. I gave him a few dollars…he didn’t want to take the money, but I insisted, I know how hard his money comes and gas is expensive.  For awhile I let Troy to use my outside plumbing to fill water containers. However, Pieper and Sprout barked a great deal when he came; which was disturbing to me and the neighbors; so, I had to ask Troy not to use the outside water anymore. He seemed to understand.

Continue reading A Morning’s Tale

Keeping Up With The Jones: Our System of Credit











Take a step back in time; December 23, 1913

“I am a most unhappy man, I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominate men”

– President Woodrow Wilson

What Did He Mean

when he said, “I have unwittingly ruined my country”? He was referring to; on December 23rd 1913, he signed the Federal Reserve Act. With all opposition out of the way: Benjamin Guggenheim, Isa Strauss and Jacob Astor; the three richest men in the world had sank with the Titanic; the way was laid clear for the Federal Reserve Banking system; a private bank, owned by private stock holders for their on personal profit!

Spirit, Heart and Mind

I did a search on Google; ‘Who Rules the World? If you are here, you probably already know what the video reveals, however, you might want to check it out and forward to others.

“Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it”

-President Woodrow Wilson

We Need Audacious Leaders!

We need audacious leaders to carry out our demands! Our livelihood has suffered enough. We are playing with Big Boys; details of their frolic have dominated the headlines. They do not wish us to see the details of their frolic. They bail themselves out and we reward them with almost a TRILLION DOLLARS! We need not look far to see how our politics and lifestyles are severely oppressing people, destroying the planet, and bringing extinction (one in four mammals face extinction) to those we share the planet!

These are very big Boys and they are not playing; they keep a keen eye on the bottom line. They would have you believe the economic crisis is an accident. The truth is that citizens of the world have been enticed (public relations or propaganda) into believing it is important to ‘keep up with the Jones’ and to buy into frivolity at an unprecedented pace! All on credit! Invisible money slipping through business and banks like water. The poisoning of the environment and the people are a natural occurrence.  Who benefits? Our Health Care system can not cure or keep up with the disease of it’s people. Pharmaceutical Companies are the only ones who seem to be benefiting in this time of crisis. They talk about cures and drugs; no one in power wants to address  the causes.

Basking in the Shadow: Humanity Last of the Fossil Creatures

The title for this post was inspired by Caroline Myss, and the post was inspired by a conversation I had with a friend about my six year old friend and his niece; which led me to call another friend in Michigan; which got us on the subject of Caroline Myss and her book/YouTube video ‘Defying Gravity’.

After I got off the phone with Lynn, I went to YouTube and began watching Defying Gravity London 2009. I feel such a kinship with Caroline Myss. She confirms everything I knew from my very beginning; we are born with everything we need; but let our minds overrule our ‘grace’.

So, when I go to pick up my friend’s six year old daughter from Montessori school and ask, ‘what did you learn today?’ She says, “Nothing, I already know everything”. As strange as it may seem, I understand her answer. I remember knowing everything as well; astroplaning for example; I did it on a daily basis as a child. There were other things I knew; however, school ignored those things. Our society did not cultivate or acknowledge what we are born with; we fall way short on our development of the powers we are born with and the powerful beings we are meant to be.

As our Fossil Wars march on; and species after species become extinct; and the crumbling and burning earth becomes less and less inhabitable; and with every last molecule facing extinction; can we finally admit that our minds can not perform the healing we so desperately want?

“Either we all make it through ‘the eye of the needle’ or none of us do”.  “Humanity has to turn to ‘resources that our minds can not access’ in order to transform.” – Caroline Myss, Defying Gravity, London 2009

The ‘precision with which we have become dis functional’ is horrific! And that we are conscious and addicted to this dis functionality is even more horrific! Caroline Myss poses the questions:

“What will we use to maneuver or manipulate everybody if we are not dysfunctional? What will I use if I’m whole? The idea of becoming functional is the most frightening thing you’ve ever come across! I just don’t know about this functional stuff; what will I use if I’m whole?  Oops, there goes my weakness; I want be able to maneuver or manipulate; there goes my temper; there goes everything; I might have to go to work. Holy Christ! What will I do?”

Personally, I feel somewhat enlightened. What does that mean? Well, it’s kind of like having one foot asleep and a hip out of whack. Almost whole, but not all together yet. I want to be ‘whole’. I really, really want it. But the work to get there seems so daunting. Darn it. I have to pay attention to what I’m doing every minute of every day. Who wants to do that? I’m just like everyone else at times, I want a break; and all I want to do is have fun! I have to learn to listen to those who can lead me out of the shadow. Admit that I’ve lost much of what I knew and have to learn it all over…and that healing myself as well as the planet is a ‘daunting’ task! That I really, really, really have to want it!

“To challenge the shadow that hangs over us, you have to have a soul that can defy gravity; because your mind can’t do it!'” – Caroline Myss, Defying Gravity, London 2009

How do I get one of those? A soul that can defy gravity.

“Relying on your mind as an asset to help you heal, when in fact your mind is what needs healing; is preposterous; when the mind itself is part of the toxic waste dump; and then to turn to your mind as the instrument through which you intend to heal, when in itself is damaged goods. No, no, no, no no. Cause your mind will work to preserve it’s own woundedness. You have to go in through another door. And that other door is the door of Grace. You have to go in through a much deeper door. You need a quality of help and assistance, you need to really want to get out of your addiction to the shadow. You need to really want to become empowered in a way that is truly transformational! You need to want to transform.”

Okay, I’m psyched! I don’t have to go an organize and do a lot of research; Caroline’s got it all on tape; video, book, cassette. There is no excuse. I really, really want ‘a soul that can defy gravity’ and I’m determined to get out of my head and into the door of ‘grace’. I will get there. I know that Caroline Myss is not the only one out there saying these things…however, I very much like her delivery. No nonsense and straight to the point.

This is really exciting. If enough people had a ‘soul that can defy gravity’; if enough people got this all at once; and opened the door of grace; then ‘this world could transform in the blink of an eye!

I’m just on tape five; there are 27. Gotta go now. Stay tuned, and

Happy Graceful Trails