Category Archives: Animals

Co-existing with each other, humans and the planet.

Workers of the World and Discovery of Self

April 27, 2012
April 27, 2012

Some Philosophers, Sages, and ancient truth seekers believed to know oneself is the highest form of knowledge. Knowing oneself surpasses all other knowledge, and that Self-knowledge is also timeless, which means that what is gained in one era benefits all subsequent generations. They believed knowing oneself to be so important that they chiseled the words ‘Know Thyself’ above the Greek God Apollo’s tomb. I didn’t learn about this belief until I stumbled on it much later in life.  

Because of what these Sages and Philosophers did and my experiences growing up, I’m convinced there is more to you and me than meets the eye.  My journey takes me beyond what meets the eye. It is a time-consuming, expensive, and magical journey. 

Learning about myself was separate from my educational curriculum.  Our government standards, in my opinion, could be more inclusive. Focusing on competitiveness and creating a workforce is short sighted. Using economic growth as our only measuring stick for success is both short sighted and dangerous in my opinion. Most of my readers agree. Again, in my opinion  this is an obsolete approach.

Preserving life in all its forms must be our goal.  Leaving the majority of society scrambling to just survive…never mind flourish, in my opinion, is disgraceful behavior of our species. It’s like the saying, “cutting of our nose dispite our face”.  A slow suicide! 

The alternatives we embrace will tell our future.  Every dollar you and I spend shape the future of industry. I’ve understood for some 50 years why Organic and Biodynamic farming is our Magic for the 21st Century. I’m a reflection of the flourishing it weaves around the world. My people and I are blazing a flourishing trail with every dollar we invest in clean living soil which comes from growing food for people, not for profit. We understand how crucial the interconnectedness of the land, water, air, and life, seen and unseen, around us dictates our well-being.  

We are so much more than a workforce. We, each of us, are the stewards of our world and must educate ourselves accordingly. Education reform must be a priority. Mandatory curriculum’ must reflect stewardship of our communities, cities, states, countries, and the whole of Earth, at all levels in our educational institutions, never-ending and free. Appropriate time should be allowed for such intricate education. It must not be hurried.

Going beyond the name of a thing is the language humans must learn to speak. Doing so will unlock the mystery which lies within each of us. You know the one. The one always gnawing inside. Who am I? Why am I here?  

If each of us had been given the time to know ourselves, we would have forged a different trail and would more fully understand Nature’s language, my language, your language…then, I imagine a Paradise. 

What each of us do and do not do matters enormously! We, humans, are powerful beyond belief.  We’re a Planet of Superbeings; unfortunately, most don’t know this. Have we been misguided? Yes.  But, we are unstoppable when we find a direction we like. The pioneering spirit is in our DNA. It’s who we are! Transcending time.

Happy Magic for the 21st Century trails!



Seeping Mud Tea and Traveling Back in Time!

Tea cup Stock Photos

 I drink what I call ‘mud tea’. My acupuncturist recommended Chinese herbs to help with the heat in my body. Apparently, I’ve too much fire. I do have Ares rising. If you know me, you’ll understand. Any way the tea works well.

Sipping this tea is like stepping back in time…I’m a six-year-old girl growing up in a small town in Texas building mud towns next to our house. I’m sure to have had a bite or two. I’m swinging from ropes across and into creeks. Falling in love with nature. Battling boys with BB Guns who do harm and kill tiny wood creatures indiscriminately.

It’s the 21st Century and I’m still battling boys with guns who harm and kill indiscriminately. How am I different? The choices I make either set me apart or makes me more homogenized. I want to be different. But, in what way? Each of us is different, yet we are also the same. The same feelings of anger, pain, confusion, desperation, joy, peace, love…the whole gambit of feelings flow through us at different times in our lives.

The knowledge of who I truly am, different and the same, humbles me and brings me to a point. When I come here and tap these words in so purposefully it seems more than appropriate that I come straight from the heart, but, afraid to say out loud what lies so deep.

I’m so very sorry for all my transgressions in life. Must I list them? Shame also lives there. Is that not enough? I beg forgiveness and struggle to forgive myself. Resting with love and light as I sip my Mud Tea!

Magic for the 21st Century!


A beautiful picture, isn’t it?  But it’s nothing in comparison to the real thing. No image or video will ever come close to the real thing.

I recently heard the term Forest Bathing. I believe Forest Bathing is a good thing. How long does a forest bath last? And do the bathers understand their environment? Do Forest Bathers know nature has a language of its own and that understanding the language of nature takes slow observation?  I see pods in Forest bathers ears and they seem oblivious to their surroundings. Is this Forest Bathing? 

I advise making Forest Bathing your heart’s desire and unplugging from technology. Only then can you truly begin to understand the magic of Earth?

As a child, I lived with the wilderness outside my door. Just a couple of blocks away. And Red River was only three miles from my door.  Forest bathing was a daily affair.  Barefoot at times. Wiggling my toes in the earth. Wild smells filled my nostrils as I made my trail.  Rustling leaves. Squirrels chasing around trees, and the flurry of chirpping birds all around.

I had an advantage growing up. No technology. My forest bathing began at about age eight. Every visit lasted for half a day or more. The forest opened something I didn’t have a name for…maybe it was magic. My world was small. I breathed sweet air.  I was the kid swinging from a rope into a pond, hugging and laying against my tree, and dreaming.

The forest and all who integrate their livelihood around and into nature are truly magical.  Working with Cosmic Rhythms isn’t a new thing.  There are Ancient Mysteries, ancient technology, unexplained history, biblical prophecy, alien origins, secrets of the occult, lost worlds, secret societies, the paranormal, quantum theory, sacred monoliths, and forbidden knowledge that science cannot explain.

There are ancient Earth Grids. Working with these grids has been going on for a long and distinct period. The grids are of nature. Scientists do not have a name for the unseen forces in nature. Some scientists call it magic. Denial of its existence does not serve us well. My personal experience with nature tells me that the magic in nature is extremely real.

Twice in two days, a hawk flew maybe 30 feet above me, and I jumped an unnamed tributary and sat listening for a long while. The babbling brook carving its trail and wonder what architect plays here?

Who am I to be a part of this? And, as a part of this, then best I understand the language of nature. I’ve been learning the language for decades and have my people.  Together we grew an industry by 3200% in 10 years. Unprecedented growth! No industry has ever done more.

My people and I sold the US of A on organic farming. It’s been a game-changer.  It’s a huge leap for humanity! Organic and Biodynamic farming that works with cosmic rhythms sets a new bar and brings back the relevance of what came before.  Understanding that we are a part of this magic is a thrilling discovery. Knowing oneself connects us to the cosmic rhythms. It’s an incredible journey! An intricate trail that’s becoming a more and more traveled trail.

 Happy Magic for the 21st Century trails!



Wild Horses of the Calico Mountains

Wild horses of Nevada’s Calico Mountains

The  Calico Mountain Wild Horses. Beautiful. Perfect. Look more closely.  Can you see the terror in their eyes?  Can you see the frozen sweat on their bodies? The hot breath bursting from their lungs? They have been running to stay free and wild. They can not escape the helicopters which track them down and corral them. I can almost hear them say, Where do I go? Why is this thing chasing me? Terrified, screaming and running as fast as they can; their families scattered like the wind.

One hundred years ago an estimated two million mustangs roamed the Western range. Now there are under 35,000. Most ranchers want our Public Lands for their Livestock and want the Government to Stick It to Wild Horses and Taxpayers. Ranchers who graze their cows on federal lands are hellbent on taking wildlife and the public along with them for the ride. The Livestock Industry require more food, water, land, and energy than plants to raise and transport livestock. Cornell University ecologist says the U.S. could feed 800 million people with the grain that livestock eat. Never mind that a single cow, on average, releases 70 to 120 kgs of methane per year. Now, it is important to remember that we’re talking about a single cow. Worldwide, there are approximately 1.5 billion cows and bulls, each emitting that much methane. Where does the methane go? Into our Planetary home’s atmosphere!

“Every time you or I take a bite of beef we are saying, ‘it’s okay to run off these once free wild horses off there land and separate you from your family’.  You don’t matter! It’s okay for us to terrorize you and run you from your home…think about this the next time you order up a Quarter Pounder!”

Un-Choking the Planet, Reading labels, and Ditching the Dryer Sheet!

Who the heck has time to know about this stuff? Right. Well, there are a few of us out there. If you are reading this, you’re probably someone who reads labels. However, If you’re like most, you’re cramming as much as you can into your day, don’t like shopping and do it as quickly as possible

Think about it for a minute. If 7.4 billion people, give or take a billion here or there, are using Dryer Sheets, what are those sweet smelling toxic chemicals doing to those we hold dear…and life as we know it?

This thought about dryer sheets came to mind after reading about Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Change agreement. His decision angered me. Then, while I was separating clothes into what I could dry quickly outside and what I would throw in the dryer, I reached for a half a dryer sheet, which I seldom use. Bounce was on the shelf. Concerned sustainability advocate that I am, I wondered why I had Bounce, and what the heck is in it? I’m sure this would be the last thing Trump would ever think about!

Bounce label reads,

“Safe for all washables, but is not safe for use on children’s sleepwear or other garments labeled as flame resistant as it may reduce flame resistance. Keep out of the reach of toddlers and pets to avoid accidental ingestion.Bounce contains Cationic softeners and perfume.

A variety of toxic chemicals found in fabric softeners, including chloroform, benzyl acetate, and ethanol (currently on the EPA’s hazardous waste list). In a study performed by Anderson Laboratories, and published in PubMed, mice were exposed to air containing the fumes released by several types of fabric softener pads. The mice exposed to these fumes showed irritation of eyes, nose, throat, and lungs, and some developed severe asthma-like attacks. The results provide a toxicological basis to explain some of the human complaints of adverse reactions to fabric softener emissions.

How about this ‘science’ President Trump? Does it matter? What do you think? Is it okay? Do you need to have your own ‘study’? I’m still pissed off with you about your denial about the human race having anything to do with climate change. Do you even know what our climate is made up of?

As an asthmatic from childhood (I ran behind trucks spraying DDT through alleyways), this doesn’t sound good. Researching further, I found my way to Alex Scranton’s ‘Women’s Voices for the Earth’. Nice website. Alex is looking into lots of cleaning products and gives detailed reasons why using some dryer sheets is not a good idea. Thank you, Alex, for doing the research and putting such a great post and website together. Alex says,

“Ditch the Dryer Sheet. Some contain harmful chemicals – including hidden fragrance chemicals that lots of people are sensitive to – that vent off into the air we breath and rub off on our clothes and then onto our skin. Yikes! And the kicker is that dryer sheets aren’t even necessary to our laundry – so they’re just an extra source of exposure to toxic chemicals”

So, if you take the time to read the label you’ll find out most of those dryer sheets going into 7.4 billion peoples, give or take a billion here or there, dryers is poisoning all the air you suck in, the water quenching your thirst, and the land growing your food. Despite what Trump says, the planet is gasping! Isn’t this behavior like ‘cutting off your nose to spite your face’?

Serious choices require slowing down long enough to read a label. Doing so is essential to changing the fate of life as we know it. It’s serious business. Despite what Trump says, the planet is gasping! Isn’t this behavior like ‘cutting off your nose to spite your face’?

I’m fairly sure that slowing down is not what the government, industry and corporate power have in mind for us. But, slow down we must. I know, I know, many of you want the glitz and glimmer that all the magazines, radio and television ads say you need more and more of while going as fast as you can and that you like how soft those dryer sheets make your clothes.

Okay, I’m ranting. The problem being is that tiny dryer sheet used by 7.4 billion people, give or take a billion here or there, is choking me, you, your kids, your furry friends, and our home. We can no longer rely on government or industry to get rid of all the poisons in our food, water, air, and land? We have to do the work.

Vote with your dollar! If you must have a ‘dryer sheet’ buy an alternative one. They’re out there. They don’t contain noxious chemicals! They don’t poison you, me, kids, furry friends and they do not choke our planet! And let’s face it…industry only listens to the microchip in your debit or credit card and the cash in your wallet!

Happy ‘Ditch the Dryer Sheet’ trails!



The Next Big Thing: The Most Fascinating and Fantastic Machine in Existence

Know Thyself“The human body is the most fascinating and fantastic machine in existence. No one understands all of its many mysteries; and no single source can do justice to its many parts.” – World Education

The majority of the human race have little knowledge about how truly incredibly we may be. Our body is made up of millions of synchronized single-celled organisms.  Each cell doing a specific job, taking on every exposure.

Our body has the ability to heal itself, and, if given optimum maintenance; clean food, air, water and education about optimum maintenance of our body, who knows how incredible we may become. Everything we eat, breath and drink either benefits and works with our millions of organisms or our millions of organisms are at war with what we put into our body. Our societies wellness or dis-ease is a reflection of our industry, the products we’ve allowed into our world and our intellect or lack of.

Our body is of nature. Unfortunately, humans do not demand the time needed to understand what or how to be of nature. Some believe what they do is consequential only to themselves; that what they do is Insignificant and unknown to others. This belief is a symptom of an uneducated society.

The life-giving forces which are abundant in nature are our birth rite. We are the most logical choice to insure the well-being of our planet and its inhabitants. It’s not just an obligation and responsibility; it’s a matter of life, death, and everything in between! We are equipped with an innate memory of everything which came before us. We just have to access it. Sweep out the chimney so to speak.

Once the memory of ‘everything that came before’ is awoken, survival seems obsolete. A ‘flourishing’ planet seems more appropriate. It’s not just a choice, it’s who we are meant to be; flourishing. Demanding what is right and just in the world is not just an obligation or responsibility, it’s who we are… male adolescence is done. ‘Just getting by’ will no longer do. We are so much more than a workforce in industries hunger for competitiveness. We are significant with brilliant possibilities.

Somehow, I’ve awakened memories of who I am meant to be. The memories come rushing in and the never ending knowledge causes me to demand what is right and just in the world. What’s ‘right and just’ is clear. Do no harm. Respect all life. Be kind. Integrate those principals into development.

Women are taking our rightful place in world management. As we take the helm we navigate a more sustainable course. Not only pledging allegiance to our flag, but pledging allegiance to our land, water, air, and wildlife.

We are more than a workforce. We are significant with brilliant possibilities and like any olympian, we must have time to train. Each of us is significant and deserve greatness. As soon as the majority of humanity admit and subscribe to this belief; put on some breaks; slow down, the sooner we heal our planet and those who live here.

Education World says,

“The human body is the most fascinating and fantastic machine in existence. No one understands all of its many mysteries; no single source can do justice to its many parts.”

What do you think? Look around. Departmentalization and standardization in education are choking every bit of creativity out of our children; giving focus to certain things, minimizing the importance of other things and leaving some things entirely out.

Education should mirror the human body and work in synchronization! I believe the Ancient Sages, from Greece. They were philosophers, statesmen, and law-givers. They laid the foundation for western culture and gathered in Delphi to inscribe in stone, “Know Thyself” at the entry to its sacred oracle and believed:

 “Self-knowledge is all-encompassing. What is learned on one scale of experience can be applied to all scales. It is the highest form of knowledge, surpassing all other knowledge. Self-knowledge is also timeless, which means that what is gained in one era, benefits all subsequent generations.”

What influenced these sages’ to chisel in stone? Why was Knowing Thyself so important? Why didn’t I hear about ‘knowing thyself’ in any of my curricula? Philosophers have been philosophizing about ‘Know Thyself’ for centuries. Is it too late for us to know ourselves?

Knowing the human body was not included in my studies until the eighth grade and avoided what was uncomfortable, the reproductive system was pretty much taboo. And, what about those millions of synchronized single-celled organisms with each cell doing a specific job, taking on every exposure? No one said anything about them being important!

Self-knowledge surrounds everything: All life. Having self-knowledge integrates all other knowledge; reading, writing, arithmetic, science, etc.. Self-knowledge is timeless. What we learn in one era, benefits all generations that follow. This was the message of our ancient sages. Just as our 21st Century educators admit,

“The human body is the most fascinating and fantastic machine in existence. No one understands all of its many mysteries; and no single source can do justice to its many parts.” – World Education 2014

Is this our new norm in the 21st Century? I want to feel good. I want my family and friends to feel good. I want to find out what is possible. As much as I’ve tried to be kind to myself over some 40 years, I’ve been battling unseen forces and toxins we’ve been producing for decades. These toxins have manipulated my essence, your essence and taken much of our nature away.

Continual education about my body has set me on a new path. I want to change our education’s focus. I want to change much of our industry. Playing catch up is difficult and time-consuming. However, we are the logical and only choice for this journey. Shaping our future is a tough job.

A few sustainable steps each of us can take:

  • coordinate rides and errands with a friend.
  • ride the bus.
  • ride a bicycle.
  • buy organic products.
  • engage in governing.
  • run for water commissioner
  • run for city council
  • run for mayor, governor, senate, congress, president
  • learn as much as you can about how extraordinary you are

We can no longer afford to skip educating ourselves about what makes us extraordinary and how we get there. We owe it to our society to do ‘justice to our many parts’. We can no longer afford to be thought of as ‘ordinary’ when we each have the potential to be extraordinary!  We can no longer give so much control over our bodies to doctors, pharmaceuticals and much of industry.

Happy not so ordinary trails!

Limbo Dancing and Raising the Bar!

grass fedIt’s happening folks! Humanity is raising its’ consciousness bar, our dollars are talking and businesses are paying attention.

Due to our technological advancement, we can mobilize, organize, and connect with more people faster than ever! The information we are sharing is making an enormous impact on our culture. Good changes are occurring. We are ‘walking our talk’. A couple of recent events:

Thanks to Investor Demands, Wendy’s Will No Longer Be Slinging Soda to Kids

Wow! Maybe ‘kids’ can slow down. Who knows what will happen when they do…and who the heck are these ‘investors’, I want to shake their hands’.

“Wendy’s  joins McDonald’s, Subway, Chipotle, Arby’s, and Panera as the newest quick-serve restaurant to remove soda from its kids’ menu.”

‘Hat’s off’! Bravo! Good work! Well done! Brilliant!

Dude, They Found Your Carnitas: Chipotle Solves Its Pork Crisis

“Thanks to Niman Ranch’s emergency supply of humanely raised hogs, the meat will be returning to your burrito shortly.”

I don’t eat pork, just can’t. However, Chipotle is deffinately marching to its’ on kind of business drum…personally I’m excited about their ‘beat’. Who knows what else Chipotle has in mind. I’ve  a suspicion. You’re going to see more and more ‘Organic farmers’ at their doors! I’d also like to know more about Niman Ranch’s pork farm. I want to say thank you for rearing his pigs humanely and find out where else he sales his humanely raised pork.

We’re discovering and educating ourselves faster than ever about the good stuff. Our dollars are having a huge voice. It’s a language all industry understand and our dollars are changing our businesses.

It’s our ability to mobilize and organize and to get information out about these changes which are raising our bar on the kind of food we want.  Whether it’s a  ‘consciousness shift’ or for some other reason. It’s incredible to witness.

Hats off to all you ‘nerds’ for creating this technology!

The organic industry, and it is an industry, has a different consciousness, it’s an industry about sustaining the world with nourishing and growing without non-toxic chemicals, rearing healthy and happy livestock. Want a fun job and lasting job. Become an ‘organic’ anything it’s a sustaining and growing industry, growing faster than any other food industry!

Industry may not listen to just one of us, but when we put our voices together, we will be heard. Oh, one more ‘hats off’ Here’s to all the ‘tree huggers’ who never give up!

Happy Tree Hugging Trails!


What Love is Like



Love is finding and taking time to feel your body and give it what it needs to perform optimally. Love is taking time to know yourself. Love is finding and taking time to know yourself; discovering the fundamental truths of creation, evolution and involution of the world. Love is making and taking time to understand everything. I caught myself counting numbers and not feeling, I stopped right away.

The Most Fascinating and Fantastic Machine in Existence: Invisible in Education

What is this ‘machine’? Any guesses? Hang on to your hat. It’s not what you think.

The mechanization of the ‘human body’ sounds cold and calculated to me; which I am not. I don’t like referring to my body as a machine. Nor does my Tai Chi Master. However, much of the scientific world does:

“The human body is the most fascinating and fantastic machine in existence. No one understands all of its many mysteries; and no single source can do justice to its many parts.” –  Education World

How can this be true in the 21st Century?

This being said, why the heck can’t I find any Human Body System curriculum  in the ‘New Standards for a New Generation K-12 Science Education‘? I looked and looked to find reference to ‘Human Body System’ education in these Standards from the ‘National Science Standards’ and could find nothing. Why, when no one seems to understand all of its many mysteries; and no single source can do justice to its many parts, is there no Human Body System curriculum in the National Science Standards?  Why have we ignored our ancient scholars? They believed to ‘Know Thyself’ was important enough to carve the  message in stone over the mythical tomb of Apollo ! These ancient sages surmised that to ‘Know Thyself’ creates a rippling effect:

“Self-knowledge is all-encompassing. What is learned on one scale of experience can be applied to all scales. It is the highest form of knowledge, surpassing all other knowledge. Self-knowledge is also timeless, which means that what is gained in one era, benefits all subsequent generations.” 

A teacher friend said I could quote her ‘anonymously:

Learning about our bodies and how they work is one of the most important things we can learn in science class. I think I’ve learned more about it once I needed to understand how my body was malfunctioning (and that of my friends & family). There’s no standard that addresses “you are what you eat.” I wish I could create lessons about “stop eating processed foods because….” or “an acidic body, cancer, and you” or “there’s wheat flour and sugar in everything you eat” or “eat organic or else.” You get the jist, I’m sure. Our 7th graders have been studying the different systems in our body this semester, but it really is just an intro-level. I was lucky enough to be given a lot of control over the curriculum teaching in bush Alaska so during biology I emphasized (read-spent more time on) the human body systems.”

Her 7th grade class gets ‘just an ‘intro-level’ reference to the Human Body System! Ask your child how many joints are in her/his hand. Or, do you know? I didn’t until I took Tai Chi. Knowing so little about the human body, is there any wonder there is ever increasing suffering and disease in the world? What else can we expect when the Human Body System is invisible or just a footnote in our educational institutions! Oh, you say education about our bodies should be left up to the parents? Really? The majority of parents have not been educated about their bodies. Talking about ones body in my household was ‘Taboo’, and I suspect it was the same in most households.

What’s Nipping at Your Heals?

helicopter1 horsesThere’s so many different things that can be nipping at our heals. For me, it’s animals on the run, furry little beasts that share my home, a friend with cancer, another friend who says I should write a book, Tai Chi, holidays, and how to juggle it all.

It’s 5 degrees. My terrier is unprepared for the cold and doesn’t have the proper coat. He’s perched on his crate and looks longingly at the birds and squirrels who feed out the window. I let them (my golden too) walk a block to the mail box and before we return to the house the terrier is already limping. I ordered him a winter coat and now think he needs booties as well. Now when I let them out there back in a flash…I think they get it.

My friend has really bad cancer. Her doctor says she should get her ‘affairs in order’. So I wonder how do we approach this with her. I go to sleep at night thinking how I would cope with such a task…not to mention the knowledge that I’ve little time left. I’m not sure what my friend has or has not done. My head goes reeling and I know there is no way I can imagine how she feels. Real or Not Real? The difference is mind boggling. There is a ‘team’ of friends who are coming together to support her in whatever way we can. Another friend says we should do a conference call and make a list of what needs to happen and who can do what. I think it’s a very good idea. Perhaps there is already a list out there. I shall see. Turns out there are hundreds of lists of things to do before one dies. Here’s one link

My friend Carol says I should write a book. I can almost count on one hand the number of people who read at The Way of Animals. I might say The Way of Animals is a book. There’s a title, content is listed; however, the content is apparently not compelling. Not slick enough. Not intriguing enough. Not ‘fast and furious’ enough. No fantasy. Where’s the ‘matrix’? Perhaps the characters could stand some embellishment. Ah, that does seem to be the ticket. Fantastic heroes and villains who leap off the page! Not a bad idea…it’s certainly worked for others. I could call it fiction! Does anyone since a ‘comic book’ in the making? This guy is one of my favorites. How cute is he? He represents the 1% of the 1% who control our world!


Now all I need to do is to go through the different articles and create characters. How fun is this? Anyone want to join the search? If so, ‘Subscribe’ (top right) and let me know. This may or may not be the correct approach, I’m sure someone, probably many someones, have written books on the proper approach to writing a book. However, I don’t want to spend my time there. I’d rather just write and create characters.

Now what was the focus of this ‘post’ about? Well, I started out explaining the ‘nipping’ at my heals. We’ve all got things nipping. Want to share some of what’s nipping at your heels?

Happy Trails!