Tag Archives: the-truth-will-set-you-free

Genesis: Trail Building the Planet

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” John 8:32 (NIV)

Firstly,  I’ve made many mistakes in my 69 years; bad judgement, cheated, lied, stolen and disrespected life.  Each of us, I believe can lay claim to some part of this statement.  Does it matter what our discretion? My discovery:  I’m an ordinary human being who has discovered a trail to becoming extraordinary. Join me.

John was right, “the truth does set you free’. However, remember, you have to ‘know the truth’ to be ‘set free’. What will the ‘truth’ set you free from?

Many find the ‘truth’  sets them free from something they don’t want to be set free from. You could say the ‘truth’ came back to haunt them. There are many kinds of ‘truths’. The ‘truth’ that sets you to building a new trail. Or a ‘ truth’ might set you to maintaining a trail that has been neglected. A ‘truth’ that sets you to covering a trail that should not be traveled.

Our lightning fast medias’ bring us all kinds of  ‘truths’. We have to chose which truth to believe. We have to ‘know the truth’ before it can ‘set us free’…and that could be a difficult truth to build into our trails…or stop our trails altogether!

Relax, this is just between you and me. Let me put you at ease…yes, we’re ordinary, but we have the ability to become extraordinary in whatever way we wish. We can live our dreams…or maybe some part of them.  Isn’t that a relief?

Okay, now that you’re relaxed, take a few deep breaths:  Imagine. You have just been elected President. You are the new leader of a nation! You have just moved into your new home and  stepped into your new office. Extraordinary! You are going to change the world!  All the work and money to get here paid off…pinch yourself. It’s real, you’re here.

Many helped get you here. You have debts to repay. Things are expected. You have a ‘things to do’ list that would choke a heard of horses! There are all kinds’ of battles to be fought; 7 billion people are scrambling to live on this planet; communication is lightning fast! Global thinking is a prerequisite.  There is a multitude pushing you forward…it’s a race to change the face of our planet! What was that dream you had? Is it still here? Or,did it get lost along the way?

Now’s your chance to shape the world. Are you up to the challenge? Just answer one question. You’ve already surrounded yourself with those you trust and believe can help you most. Now let the rest of the world know your intention. What’s your plan?

Think about this and get back to me. Just go to the ‘Share the knowledge’ below and click on ”Comment’.  If you need some ‘plan help’ you can also go to the top and click on the video. Jill Stein has some good thoughts. Are go to Mitt Romney or President Obama’s web site. The main thing is to take the time to discover! Have at it!

Happy Trail Building!