Tag Archives: inner-light

Ineffable Hunger: A Driving Force for Discovery

Rocky Mountain Trail

I listened as the teacher said to the young boy. “We each have a destiny; fulfilling this destiny is our purpose.”

Do you understand what this teacher meant? Are you on the road to fulfilling your destiny? Or, has the road become dark and your path uncertain? Have you reached what seems to be an ‘impassable juncture’? If you feel yourself at this juncture…this is where you dig deep into your heart; you call on ‘something for which there seems to be no proof’.

“Nobody else knows your reason for being. You do. Your bliss guides you to it. When you follow your bliss, when you follow your path to joy, your conversation is of joy, your feelings are of joy — you’re right on the path of that which you intended when you came forth into this physical body.”

– Abraham Hicks

I like what Abraham says: it’s encouraging. However, if you are really in a crunch…like reached the bottom of the pit or that impassable juncture, it would seem difficult to just jump up and feel that inner light. If we could all reach it so easily…well, we and the world would definitely be very different.

Reason For Being

How do we reach this ‘purpose or destiny?’ How do we find that ‘light’ we supposedly brought with us into our body at the very beginning’? Since stepping back in time is not an option for me. My journey to finding  away out of what seems to be an ‘impassable juncture’ at times is by taking responsibility for my well being. I’ve discovered there is ‘no quick fix’! I’ll say this again: there is no quick fix! If you believe the pharmaceutical industry will develop a pill to insure your well being and help you on your path to fulling your purpose; you’re delusional!

What works for me…and I imagine for many, is to go to a quiet place. Ideally a place where there is no electricity. Surrounding oneself with running water, trees, nature sounds. Get out of the static…the cities are full of static and crazy makers: television is the number one culprit. I’m so grateful television was not around when I grew up. Entertainment was an outside event! I ran in the woods on a daily basis.

Nature is the best medicine. A walk in the woods is free and easy.  One step after the other will lead to waking up the heart and freeing your inner light. Find or create some ‘quiet’. Having a place where your mind can be still is crucial. When your environment is quiet, your mind can take a breath and empty out all the static buildup. Take long deep breaths; hear the birds twittering in the trees; water; rustling leaves. The wind blowing through pine trees sounds like an ocean. Did you know it takes a tree 24 hours to take a breath! Imagine! Take some slow and deep easy breaths. Sit, close your eyes.

If you can do this on a daily basis or as often as you can, you will feel joy and peace enter into your being. For me there is no doubt. I’m proof positive. I feel Joy and Peace everyday. Humans can not do without nature. The more we separate ourselves from nature the less fulfilled we become. There is no substitute. Nothing is more positive. Nothing brings more joy. Nothing brings more peace. See it. Feel it.  Believe it.

As I continue to do this: inner light, peace and joy fills my heart and illuminates the path I have been seeking; the path helps to fill my ‘ineffable hunger’. What better purpose? What better destiny?

Happy Trails!