Tag Archives: code of ethics

A Planet of Super Beings

As a young girl, I experienced leaving my body on a daily basis. It was scary. I would lay in my bed and look down at myself. I could fly through the window and travel through the sky by some miracle I could not understand. My mission was to save lives. I was afraid to tell anyone about my adventures, I did not know how to explain what was happening. As I grew older, I experienced these episodes less and less.

I went to many different churches when I was a young girl. My mother encouraged me to explore them all. Who was this Jesus Christ they were talking about?  All the churches agreed he was an extraordinary and wonderful human being.

I wanted to believe what they said. However, truth be known, I followed the girls and boys I liked to the churches they attended and listened more to my heart than the words being said.

As a young girl, I was susceptible to anything and everything, weren’t we all?  My heart opened freely. I felt a kinship with the spirit of this God they talked about. I liked the ‘goodness and ‘mercy’ the churches talked about. The path to ‘Kingdom Come’ was a clear and bright trail that I wanted to travel. Jesus Christ was a leader I could follow. He knew the way and I was going to follow in his footsteps. I surrendered. I gave myself up and was baptized (maybe more than once). I wanted to lap up those Jesus powers. It was like ‘Science Fiction’!  I was captivated.

I wonder. Did Jesus fully understand his power? I think not. I Imagine he was, just as I am when I get in touch with my power, it’s scary. Getting in touch with my true nature frightens me. Don’t get too close; for what in the world will I do with such power? Marianne Williamson says it best:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” 

I believe Jesus was an ordinary human being; just like you and me. He lived in a time that was unadulterated. His essence was pure.  Unadulterated. No impurities altered his physical, mental or spiritual body. Jesus exemplified the true nature of who we are! Human beings had the capacity to be ‘Godlike’. Human beings were closer to their true nature than at any time in our history. Did he stumble into being a leader?

“He never intended to start a church or a new religion. He did not understand himself to be the divine Son of God; rather, he saw himself as the “Son of [hu]Man[ity]” or an “average Joe.” Not only did he not start a church, but he also joined the reform movement of John the Baptizer (aka John the Baptist), who was a popular and charismatic Jewish prophet.” –  Truthdig

All this digging into who Jesus was and what message he conveyed is a prelude to who we are: we are a ‘Planet of Super Beings‘. This is the ‘image of God’ we are made!  As soon as we accept our destiny we will become who we are meant to be.  As soon as we understand that our essence, our social consciousness, and our physical being are being manipulated, we will have the power to decide to make the choice of becoming the ‘image of God’ we are meant to be. 

The well-being of our Planetary home and all life is at stake. One only has to look around and witness what’s happening to our planet and all its inhabitants. The changes needed today will go beyond much of what we have loved and coveted.

Until we set a new model for governing in place…the guy living in the Whitehouse and everyone else in government; Republicans, Democrats, doesn’t matter what party, they operate from a system of governing which is obsolete and does not meet the needs of our Planetary home or it’s inhabitants. Our economic system must be turned on its head. We have to install persons in governing with the desire to operate our planet with its critical systems and well-being at the heart.

Kate Raworth outlines a model for governing which is based on our Planetary home, well-being and our planet’s critical systems. We need humans like her in government. People like her in a powerful position could turn the world leaders to govern in a similar manner! Watch the video, do as she asks. Spread the video. https://youtu.be/1BHOflzxPjI

We have a couple of choices when it comes to change;  do as Kate suggests or keep traveling the trail of dissolution and destruction. The choice we make will reshape our planet into a flourishing and vibrate home…or, continue chomping away at the heals of our world, leaving a sick, dying and fearful world.

 Happy Doughnut Economy trails!