Tag Archives: Pledge of Allegiance

A Scary Monster Ruling the World!

This is a strange topic for this holiday season, I know. Well, maybe not. I’m grateful and happy in my solitude on this day. However, it brings me to deep thinking;  world at peace and happy and compasionate humans. We, after all, are the ‘intellegent’ species. We’re in control of not only our destiny, but apparently the world as we know it. If you were to give our species a grade, what would it be?
What’s Citizens United got to do with this? Why does it always seem to be bubbling around my mind? Would you happen to know what Citizens United is for? It is a limitation to our choices. It makes it possible for a few to control the masses! Oh, you already know this right? What the heck can we do about it? If you think this is fine and I’ve already turned you off for bringing the topic up on this day, don’t read any further.
Bringing up this topic has caused some to pay the ultimate price.  Guess something could go wrong with my Social Security, Medicare, little things like that. Why would they bother? Me, I’m just a tiny fish in the pond. 
This is HUGE! In 2010 a Supreme Court decision in the Citizens United vs. FEC case effectively blocked the ability to enact limits on campaign spending and opened the floodgates to the billions of dollars pouring into the election system. Enabling those with access to concentrated wealth to have vastly more influence over our political system than the average American.
Personally, I don’t consider myself to be an ‘average’ American; extraordinary, brilliant, and strong, come to mind. How about you?
My thought, those qualifying for government roles should have equal access to platforms; media. Currently, as most of you know, only those with massive amounts of money can be seen and heard. You do see how that might set limitations? How about this, setting legislation providing a sensible answer that levels the field.
I’m not the only human who thinks that every qualified individual seeking a government office (not sure if qualifications need to be amended) has equal funding and exposure. How does this work? Well, the money for this would come from the people of the United States and corporate tax (taxed according to levels of income) dollars.
Everyone has an equal state in this kind of policy. The media would be required to donate a certain amount of air time to each candidate, with tax dollars paying a portion.
We’re all in this together…not just the corporations filling the pockets of politicians!
We can not have a just society as long as the floodgates are open to billions of dollars enabling those with access to concentrated wealth to have vastly more influence over our political system than the rest of us.
Americans already bow to consumerism over our air, water, land and wildlife. In the 21st Century, how much more can we sacrifice? Find candidates that support getting rid of Citizens United. A scary monster ruling the world! 
Leaving on a positive note.  I Pledge allegiance to Earth. Promising to educate others so they may become caretakers of our water, air, land, wildlife, and the unseen life all around and beneath our feet. 

“The World is a Filthy Bachelor Pad that Needs a Woman’s Touch”!

So says my new found friend Laura Egan. And as Bob Dylan sang, ‘The Times They are a-Changin’. Women (and some enlightened men) are rising up everywhere. The broom in hand is held by Wild Women! We’re cleaning up men’s mess by becoming engaged in community, city, state and national government.

Do look back! It’s important for each of us to get a deeper grasp of humanities situation and where we come from.

Our centuries of imitation gives proof of men at the helm. In their childlike behavior, they plotted a course of war and destruction. While the other half of the world’s population were kept quiet and subservient. The crushing truth, we needed both men and women to navigate a more sustainable course. Humanities naivety has created as my friend says, “a filthy bachelor pad that needs a women’s touch” and the world’s undoing.

However, here’s a ‘wake-up call’!

  • The Organic Food Industry has grown 3400 % in last 20 years! No industry has ever achieved such phenomenal growth.
  • Solar energy jobs are growing 12 times as fast as the US Economy.
  • America’s Wind Industry is reaching record highs.

The customer base fueling sustainable industries are intelligent and growing in number. We demand a sustainable approach to everything. ‘Putting all one’s eggs in one basket’ has never worked out well. Back off fossil fuel. We have alternative and safer ways to do fuel our world. Back off Pharmaceutical Industry, we have nature, clean food, and bodies that are capable of healing themselves if given optimum care and nutrition! We who fuel the sustainable industry are a new group of pioneers. Pioneer’s who are taking the time to listen and learn before we leap and make messes.

The Outdoor Life Conservation Pledge, written in 1946 defines what this ‘pioneer’ looks like. The pledge is short and to the point.

“I pledge to protect and conserve the natural resources of America. I promise to educate future generations so they may become caretakers of our water, air, land and wildlife.”

Wild women and that new breed of men have a moral compass which dictates bringing to the forefront our feminine nature, doing little harm to our body and learning what gives us optimum well-being. Just ask Tom Brady,  football hero at age 39 about knowing his body and what it means!

I propose a new pledge for our nation. Let’s combine the Pledge of Allegiance with the Conservation Pledge. It gives us a more balanced perspective! The last revision of the Pledge of Allegiance took place in 1954…we’re way overdue for a new revision!

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. I pledge to protect and conserve the natural resources of America. I promise to educate future generations so they may become caretakers of our water, air, land and wildlife.”  

Just a side note for all you ‘wanna be wild women’, there’s a Wild Woman Conference!

We understand our connectivity to all life. We are learning our place in our connectivity. We do not have dominion, we are caretakers. We are kind and look for harmony, not war. We are communicators. Get on board!

And yes, ‘The Times They are a-Changin’. As a sustainable life advocate, I’m continual discovering the changes in myself and the sustainable direction people are insisting upon. And, as my new found friend says, “The World is like a filthy bachelor pad that needs a women’s touch”!

Happy Trails!