Tag Archives: food and cancer

“The World is a Filthy Bachelor Pad that Needs a Woman’s Touch”!

So says my new found friend Laura Egan. And as Bob Dylan sang, ‘The Times They are a-Changin’. Women (and some enlightened men) are rising up everywhere. The broom in hand is held by Wild Women! We’re cleaning up men’s mess by becoming engaged in community, city, state and national government.

Do look back! It’s important for each of us to get a deeper grasp of humanities situation and where we come from.

Our centuries of imitation gives proof of men at the helm. In their childlike behavior, they plotted a course of war and destruction. While the other half of the world’s population were kept quiet and subservient. The crushing truth, we needed both men and women to navigate a more sustainable course. Humanities naivety has created as my friend says, “a filthy bachelor pad that needs a women’s touch” and the world’s undoing.

However, here’s a ‘wake-up call’!

  • The Organic Food Industry has grown 3400 % in last 20 years! No industry has ever achieved such phenomenal growth.
  • Solar energy jobs are growing 12 times as fast as the US Economy.
  • America’s Wind Industry is reaching record highs.

The customer base fueling sustainable industries are intelligent and growing in number. We demand a sustainable approach to everything. ‘Putting all one’s eggs in one basket’ has never worked out well. Back off fossil fuel. We have alternative and safer ways to do fuel our world. Back off Pharmaceutical Industry, we have nature, clean food, and bodies that are capable of healing themselves if given optimum care and nutrition! We who fuel the sustainable industry are a new group of pioneers. Pioneer’s who are taking the time to listen and learn before we leap and make messes.

The Outdoor Life Conservation Pledge, written in 1946 defines what this ‘pioneer’ looks like. The pledge is short and to the point.

“I pledge to protect and conserve the natural resources of America. I promise to educate future generations so they may become caretakers of our water, air, land and wildlife.”

Wild women and that new breed of men have a moral compass which dictates bringing to the forefront our feminine nature, doing little harm to our body and learning what gives us optimum well-being. Just ask Tom Brady,  football hero at age 39 about knowing his body and what it means!

I propose a new pledge for our nation. Let’s combine the Pledge of Allegiance with the Conservation Pledge. It gives us a more balanced perspective! The last revision of the Pledge of Allegiance took place in 1954…we’re way overdue for a new revision!

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. I pledge to protect and conserve the natural resources of America. I promise to educate future generations so they may become caretakers of our water, air, land and wildlife.”  

Just a side note for all you ‘wanna be wild women’, there’s a Wild Woman Conference!

We understand our connectivity to all life. We are learning our place in our connectivity. We do not have dominion, we are caretakers. We are kind and look for harmony, not war. We are communicators. Get on board!

And yes, ‘The Times They are a-Changin’. As a sustainable life advocate, I’m continual discovering the changes in myself and the sustainable direction people are insisting upon. And, as my new found friend says, “The World is like a filthy bachelor pad that needs a women’s touch”!

Happy Trails!

The Power and Politics Behind What We Eat


The more I read about pet food; the more I learn about human food and how the two are connected; which in turn brings me to the power and politics behind what we eat…and, more importantly three simple things you and I can do to make positive  changes! 

This story does not have a pretty beginning and is scary…however, I’ve fond that facing my fear does something amazing; I find myself feeling confident and strong. I love this kind of experience and keep coming back for more! So hang onto your hat and join me in facing some ugly and distasteful things that go on with our food. Think of it as ‘life and death’! And, we get be the hero of the story.

Ever wonder where dead animals go? Probably not. I didn’t until I started looking at why some pet foods were being recalled. I decided to be brave and go deep into the ‘why’. Don’t bury your head. We can get through this together and I promise there is a ray of hope at the end.

The classified ad read:

Help Wanted: person to operate bobcat mini-dozer; loading ‘raw material’ into a 10-foot-deep stainless-steel pit; operate giant auger-grinder.

Looking for work? Does this sound like your kind of job? You discover at the bottom of this ‘stainless-steel pit, a giant auger-grinder begins to turn and you hear popping bones and squeezing flesh. This is a gruesome nightmare! Who does this kind of job? I’ve been trying to find out the job title for the person who does this job. In one recent article I read these jobs are held by: Bandanna-masked men; undocumented workers from Mexico doing a dirty job that no one else wants to do. I wonder where these jobs are, what kind of pay …and where these ‘raw materials’ come from.

Continue reading The Power and Politics Behind What We Eat

What’s Nipping at Your Heals?

helicopter1 horsesThere’s so many different things that can be nipping at our heals. For me, it’s animals on the run, furry little beasts that share my home, a friend with cancer, another friend who says I should write a book, Tai Chi, holidays, and how to juggle it all.

It’s 5 degrees. My terrier is unprepared for the cold and doesn’t have the proper coat. He’s perched on his crate and looks longingly at the birds and squirrels who feed out the window. I let them (my golden too) walk a block to the mail box and before we return to the house the terrier is already limping. I ordered him a winter coat and now think he needs booties as well. Now when I let them out there back in a flash…I think they get it.

My friend has really bad cancer. Her doctor says she should get her ‘affairs in order’. So I wonder how do we approach this with her. I go to sleep at night thinking how I would cope with such a task…not to mention the knowledge that I’ve little time left. I’m not sure what my friend has or has not done. My head goes reeling and I know there is no way I can imagine how she feels. Real or Not Real? The difference is mind boggling. There is a ‘team’ of friends who are coming together to support her in whatever way we can. Another friend says we should do a conference call and make a list of what needs to happen and who can do what. I think it’s a very good idea. Perhaps there is already a list out there. I shall see. Turns out there are hundreds of lists of things to do before one dies. Here’s one link

My friend Carol says I should write a book. I can almost count on one hand the number of people who read at The Way of Animals. I might say The Way of Animals is a book. There’s a title, content is listed; however, the content is apparently not compelling. Not slick enough. Not intriguing enough. Not ‘fast and furious’ enough. No fantasy. Where’s the ‘matrix’? Perhaps the characters could stand some embellishment. Ah, that does seem to be the ticket. Fantastic heroes and villains who leap off the page! Not a bad idea…it’s certainly worked for others. I could call it fiction! Does anyone since a ‘comic book’ in the making? This guy is one of my favorites. How cute is he? He represents the 1% of the 1% who control our world!


Now all I need to do is to go through the different articles and create characters. How fun is this? Anyone want to join the search? If so, ‘Subscribe’ (top right) and let me know. This may or may not be the correct approach, I’m sure someone, probably many someones, have written books on the proper approach to writing a book. However, I don’t want to spend my time there. I’d rather just write and create characters.

Now what was the focus of this ‘post’ about? Well, I started out explaining the ‘nipping’ at my heals. We’ve all got things nipping. Want to share some of what’s nipping at your heels?

Happy Trails!