Tag Archives: bio-scan

The Elusive Unconditional Foundation

I’ve been reading a ‘Forward by John Paul Jackson’. To what, I’m not sure. I found the forward in a stack of papers on my desk. I did look the guy up and it looks like he has published a great number of books about Earth, who we are, and, where we come from.
John Paul Jackson says in the beginning sentence of the Forward, “The Earth is a wonderful and mysterious planet. It is unique and one of a kind.” I think we can all agree here. Then he says, “In all of creation, no other sphere contains the beauty and variety of life this planet does.” For me, this perspective seems narrow. Or, maybe my perspective is a bit broad. You decide.
We look with our human eyes and see little of what the universe is made of…we only see the 4 percent of physical form…and infrequently acknowledge the 96 percent unconditional foundational energy that is ever present. We each have, what I call an electrical pulse. Frequency.
I’m all over broadening the human perspective and bent on fulfilling my purpose. Increasing my effort to cleans the Earth, our home, and myself, Acknowledging my purpose in the Network of Life is paramount in healing and creating a flourishing planet, which we are meant to be.
All of us exist in the elusive 96 percent unconditional foundation. How we perform there is up to each individual. Your frequency tells a story. One of well-being and happiness or something else. You are the master of your fate.
I applaud John Paul Jackson in his research and the valuable information he writes down.